Welcome - to the Society of Caddy Spoon Collectors!

Caddy Spoons are collected by a many enthusiasts all over the world. Collectors appreciate that nearly 260 years of craftsmanship have created a field of collecting which combines historical interest, aesthetic appeal and the opportunity for investment.

In response to growing interest, the Society of Caddy Spoon Collectors was founded in 1963, by respected antique expert Eric Delieb. Today, as then, the aim of the Society is to offer information and advice to new and established collectors and to share our enthusiasm through a programme of social events, Journal's  and Buletin's to our members.
The attraction of caddy spoons is understandable. Their history reaches back to Georgian times. The range of designs is enormous and constantly growing.  A wide range of materials are used, including bone, ivory, wood, copper, pewter and stainless steel to silver and even gold - there are spoons to suit every budget.  And for over 260 years famous silversmiths and craft workshops have applied their creativity and technical skills to the caddy spoon.  That tradition is still flourishing today, and the Society plays an important role in supporting it.

We invite you take a look around our website to view the many benefits we offer to collectors at every level.  UK Membership is £25 a year, Overseas Membership is £28 a year. If you would like to find out more, simply click on the Contact Us link and supply your contact details so we can get back to you.  All information is dealt with on a completely confidential basis.  We would be delighted to hear from you, and to welcome you to our Society.

Around the Site

click on the headings below to discover more

The Story of the Caddy Spoon c.1775 to 2015.  98pp, illustrated in full colour. This book was published by the Society to accompany our special exhibition at the 'Antiques for Everyone Spring Fair', at the National Exhibition Centre in April 2015.  It contains colour photographs of the 600-plus Caddy Spoons exhibited, together with information on styles, makers and materials.  Available via this site, please use the enquiry facility.  Cost is £ 5 plus postage and packing.

Modern 'Hand' based on Georgian example. Sheffield 1973

Contact Us

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If you share our interests and objectives, the SCSC will welcome you as a member.


Privacy Policy: The Society of Caddy Spoon Collectors is committed to ensuring that all your personal information is kept private and protected. Names and email addresses supplied via this website are used only to respond to queries and are never passed on to any other individual or organisation.

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