Click on the thumbnail to enlarge. Faux Filigree Thomas Bradbury, Sheffield 1909 Plain 'Hand' with bright-cut on handle to simulate lace cuff. Joseph Taylor, Birmingham 1806 Norway - plique a jour technique. Designed by Gustav Gaudernack for David Andersen, Oslo c1890 Eagles Wing, Joseph Willmore 1814 Alex Styles designed this spoon as an early Society Commission. Stylised 'Eagle's Wing', only known gilded example. Garrard & Co Ltd, London 1967. See Article, 'The First Jockey Cap?'Jockey Cap 1797 See Article 'The first Jockey Cap? Faux Filligree Joseph Taylor 1809, Poppy Matthew Boulton, Old Sheffield Plate the copper is bleeding through Matthew Boulton Silver, Birmingham 1805, A very rare spoon only 2 in silver are known.